北陸を拠点に日本全国の美容室をサポートする美容ディーラー 株式会社彦田





代表取締役社長 彦田勇哉






CEO Message

Our company, HIKOTA is distributing professional beauty products to hair salons in Japan. Since my great grandfather first founded this company 75 years ago, we have dedicated ourselves wholeheartedly to supporting hairdressers and beauticians throughout Japan with an attention to quality and excellence that is woven into our DNA, and I will do my utmost to honor and expand upon that legacy. I would like to take this opportunity to first thank our customers, partners, and employees who have continued to place their faith in us and supported us throughout the decades. We could not have come this far without you, and I look forward to strengthening our partnerships in the months and years to come.

Looking ahead, I see challenges and opportunities in equal measure. It is no secret that the hair salon industry in Japan has been struggling to cope with workforce shortages, low productivity, long working hours, and other maladies that continue to strain many facets of modern Japanese society. In this environment, the number of hair salons nationwide has managed to increase annually even as the market continues to shrink, making competition even fiercer and rendering the risk of obsolescence even more severe. All the while, the ongoing digitization of the media landscape and how customers consume information continues to impose its own set of challenges. Yet in spite of this wave of change, I believe that the fundamental mission of the haircare industry remains unchanged, and that mission is to delight customers with beautiful style, creativity, and excellent service. To that end, I intend to guide us into the modern era as a beacon of hope and stability, working hand-in-hand with our partners to understand the ever-changing trends of the industry and tackle these challenges head-on. There is much work to be done, but I look forward to this opportunity with great anticipation.

Chief Executive Officer
Yuya Hikota